Objectif monture C, f:8mm, F1.4, 1/2", 2MP
Objectifs monture C 2 méga-pixels
Objectifs monture C 2 méga-pixels
Objectifs monture C 2 méga-pixels
Objectifs monture C télécentrique
Objectifs monture C 3 méga-pixels
Objectifs monture C 2 méga-pixels
Objectif monture C 12 mégapixels 1,1" avec technologie flottante
Objectifs monture C télécentrique
Objectif monture C 12 mégapixels 1,1" avec technologie flottante
Objectifs monture C proche infra-rouge
Objectifs monture C 5 méga-pixels
If you have broken or scratched your original GoPro lens. You need to buy DSL385.
Performance is identical to the original lens of your camera.
You can use this lens with the GoPro cameras HERO1, HERO2, HERO3, HERO3+ and HERO4®.
choose your filter : we can offer a version for infrared observations.
Objectifs monture C télécentrique
The DSL181 lens is a miniature SuperFisheyeTM lens with Tailored DistortionTM designed with a field of view of up to 190 degrees on 1/4” to 1/2” format imagers with HD resolution. The low F-number, thermal stability, and special distortion characteristics make this lens ideal for exterior based camera applications.
Objectif monture C 12 mégapixels 1,1" avec technologie flottante
Objectifs monture C compacts
Key Features:
• 176° wide angle FoV
• Good low light performance: F/2.0 relative aperture
• All glass design to optimize thermal stability
• Automotive Rear View Cameras
• Security and Surveillance
• Computer Vision