• Wide field of view : 126 deg HFOV on 1/3” imager • Excellent low light performance: F/2.0 aperture • All glass elements providing environmental stability • Distortion: f-θ type (image height is proportional to the input angle h=f*θ where f is the focal length).
The DSL210 lens is a miniature wide-angle lens optimized for 1/3” format VGA imagers. The wide field of view, low F-number, and low distortion make this lens ideal for security and automotive applications.
Data sheet
Lens barrel thread
M12 x 0,50
Focal length
2,17 mm
Sensor size
0,6% f-θ
Back focus
4,33 mm
Miniature wide-angle lens
20,5 mm
17,1 mm
Total length
20,5 mm
Maximum FOV for image circle
Body material
Taille du capteur maximale
Champ de vision maximum
175° à 120°
2 à 5 mm
Inférieur ou égal à 2
Key Features :
• Wide field of view : 126 deg HFOV on 1/3” imager • Excellent low light performance: F/2.0 aperture • All glass elements providing environmental stability • Distortion: f-θ type (image height is proportional to the input angle h=f*θ where f is the focal length).
The DSL901 is a multi-element glass lens designed for 2/3” imagers with up to 1.3MP resolution. The compact form factor of the DSL901 relative to the large imager format size makes this lens ideal for size constrained machine vision applications.
Le DSL660 est un objectif grand angle haute performance conçu pour offrir des performances exceptionnelles sur les capteurs >4K avec une distorsion extrêmement faible et est optimisé pour réduire les artefacts de lumière parasite.
The DSL202 lens is a multi-element glass lens optimized for imager sizes up to 1/3" format and HD resolution. The all glass, all metal construction enables good thermal stability. The DSL202 is also environmentally ruggedized
The DSL612 lens is a miniature 4K HDR lens designed for HDR or standard sensors up to 1/1.8” format size. The low F-number, thermal stability and Sunex LowGhostTM HDR characteristics make this lens ideal for security, wearable, drone and video-conferencing applications where high sharpness and environmental stability are required.
The DSL146 is a high-performance, wide-angle, low-light lens with 4K resolution and F/1.4 aperture, designed for 1/3” and 1/2.8” HDR sensors. The all-glass construction makes it thermally stable and ideally-suited for indoor or outdoor applications in harsh environments
• Maximum field of view (FOV): 185o • F/1.8 aperture for low-light performance • Hybrid glass-plastic design • Suitable for megapixel resolution sensors
DSL208A-650-F4.0 lens is a miniature glass lens optimized for HD imagers up to 1/3” format with HD resolution. This lens is Day/Night optimized and is near infrared corrected.